Our Services
We Will be Your Guide to Navigate in the New Country.
Living Settlement
Settlement services are provided for eligible immigrants, refugees and their families to help them settle into their community and integrate into Canadian society. We provide one-on-one appointment services and group information workshops & webinars to provide you and your family with comprehensive and current information in many key settlement topics including:

Housing and Accommodation
Understand public transportation system
Apply for your Medical Health Insurance
Find language classes for you and your family
Canadian and BC Law and Justice
Apply for a Driver’s License
Find a school that is right for your children
Volunteering and making new friends in the community
Transportation systems
Apply for a Social Insurance Number (SIN)
Locate medical/dental health services
Education (Child, Adult and Post-Secondary)
Open a Canadian bank account
Finding tax consultant
Employment in BC and Foreign Credential
Learn about where to buy the things you need to start a new life