Our Services
Cybersecurity Consulting Service
Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing
Sunray Consulting aims to help clients identify exploitable vulnerabilities in their current cyber security strategy and protocols by conducting penetration testing and ethical hacking projects. These tests are conducted on a multitude of applications and systems, including application protocol interfaces (API’s), frontend/backend servers, web applications, and more.
Pen tests will be conducted using various proven methods and strategies, such as external and internal testing, blind testing, or targeted testing, which will be determined based on the objectives of the penetration testing project and what security measures are to be tested. Ultimately, the process aims to uncover potential vulnerabilities that unauthorized or malicious users can take advantage of.
​All Sunray Consulting penetration testing and ethical hacking personnel are industry certified, ensuring all regulations and policies involved with ethical hacking are adhered to the strongest degree.
Incident Response
In the case clients have identified a real threat or security breach of their network, the Incident response service line includes emergency response procedures and activities that Sunray Consulting undertakes to minimize the impact. Experienced and certified responders from Sunray Consulting coordinate to conduct an efficient response, adapting to different breaching strategies and working towards containment as soon as possible.
Sunray Consulting helps clients respond efficiently and accurately to reduce financial, data, and reputation impacts to our clients, effectively minimizing any downtime and ensuring continuity of the business’s operations.
Audit and Risk Assessment
Sunray Consulting also provides an entire cyber security infrastructure and protocol audit for client’s current operations, delivering a detailed report assess internal controls, security and asset risk, and compliance adherence. This technical assessment allows clients to gain an unbiased, holistic view of their current network security strategy, and make more informed decisions to improve or adjust their strategy to better protect their business.
The business’s Audit & Risk Assessment acts as an important piece of the sales channel, with the business clearly outlining specific actions clients can take that Sunray Consulting offers to better secure their most important assets.