We Provide the Best IT & Web Services
in Vancouver, BC
IT ERP Services
By utilizing modern cloud computing and enterprise technology, Net Sense IT Solutions aims to assist Canadian businesses and organizations optimize business activity, improve operational efficiency, and reduce costs.
Cloud Hosted Solutions
Enterprise Software Integration & Solutions
ERP Training

Networking Solutions
The provision of Network Solutions is one of the primary focuses of Net SenseThe primary service line will assist Canadian businesses from a variety of industries with design, integrate, or optimize current network design to optimize technological operations of their company. Specifically, Net Sense will ensure organizations are able to access, share, and store company information seamlessly and securely.
Local & Wide Area Network Infrastructure Solutions
Network Security Solutions
Network Administration & Monitoring

Cybersecurity Consultation
The provision of Technical Consulting is the other primary focuses of Sunray Consulting. The primary service line will assist Canadian businesses, primarily operators with sensitive data and information security requirements, adequately identify and prepare for potential cyber threats and risks through a portfolio of cyber security focused technical services
Ethical Hacking & Penetration Testing
Incident Response
Audit & Risk Assessment

Who We Are
About Our Company
Sunray Consulting Provides Smart and Professional Solution for Settlement & I.T Services. Our team consists of highly qualified professionals who have specialty in every part of practicing Settlement & IT implementation & consultation. Our goal is to guide our clients through endless possibilities

Arif Zaheer
CEO, Sun-Ray Consulting Group